Elias Redstone by Hoda Afshar

First Mondays: An insight into PHOTO 2021 International Festival of Photography
with Elias Redstone, founder and artistic director 
PHOTO 2021

When: Monday 1st March 2021 10AM—11AM
Where: Benalla Art Gallery – Simpson Gallery
Price: $2
Bookings: Numbers are strictly limited. To secure your place, phone or email Benalla Art Gallery:
T 03 5760 2619 or gallery@benalla.vic.gov.au

Join us on the first Monday of March at 10am for an insight into the PHOTO 2021 International Festival of Photography with the organisation’s founder and artistic director, Elias Redstone.

The session coincides with the Benalla Art Gallery’s presentation of Damien Shen: A Stone from Another Mountain as part of the festival.


With over 15 years experience within the arts sector, Elias has a track record of initiating and delivering innovative cultural programs in collaboration with leading institutions such as Barbican Art Gallery, MoMA and Storefront for Art and Architecture. He was the curator of the Polish Pavilion at the 2010 Venice Biennale and senior curator at the Architecture Foundation, London. He has edited publications for Prestel, Sternberg Press and Bedford Press, and acted as a contributing editor for Arena Homme Plus and GQ Style. His book Shooting Space: Architecture in Contemporary Photography is published by Phaidon.

ABOUT PHOTO2021 International Festival of Photography:

Australasia’s largest and most significant photography event, PHOTO 2021 is delivered in collaboration with over 40 cultural institutions, museums, galleries and universities. The Festival features free exhibitions, outdoor displays and artist commissions in Melbourne and across regional Victoria, alongside events and education programs.

The biennial celebration of new photography and ideas invites artists, curators, writers, academics and audiences to interrogate the major issues of our time through a central theme. Responding to the theme of ‘The Truth’, PHOTO 2021 explores the veracity of the photographic image in a time of social media, fake news, and artificial intelligence.

Working with local and international partners, the Festival is committed to commissioning new work, providing opportunities for artists to develop their practice and reach new audiences, and presenting an outdoor program of artworks in unexpected sites.

Official Exhibition: PHOTO2021 International Festival of Photography, supported by [MARS] Gallery