Half page self portrait - credit image to Creative Monsoon
Image: Sourced from Creative Monsoon

Who: for pre-school children and their parents/carers
Friday 1 March 2024, 10—10.45AM
Where: Benalla Art Gallery – Patricia [Pat] Gardner Studio
Price: This is a FREE event
Bookings: To secure your place, contact the Gallery on 5760 2619 or gallery@benalla.vic.gov.au

In this Little Artists session, participants will create a self-portrait using a photo of themselves that has been printed and cut in half, to then fill in the missing section. Prior to the session, participants are invited to email a clear headshot photo of themselves to gallery@benalla.vic.gov.au .

Materials: Card, textas, coloured pencils, glue and printed headshots of each participant.

Mat Time: Inspired by our current exhibition by Scotty So called +50, this exhibition explores portraits of young participants and using AI technology, they are presented re-imagined in their old age.

Benalla Art Gallery’s Little Artists program is developed specifically for pre-school children. We use games, story-telling and creative activities to encourage young children, and their parents and carers, to have fun while learning about art.

Sessions are free and are scheduled for the first week of each month from February to December.