‘Sea Oddities’ 2019. Photo: Ali Vann
Sea Oddities    2019
Photo: Ali Vann

When: Saturday 9th April 2022, 5.30PM
Where: Under the Benalla Art Gallery Deck
Price: This is a FREE event

A performance for the entire family on Benalla’s beautiful lakeside, featuring dance, circus, sound, projections and live painting, SURFACE is a new work featuring cross-disciplinary, Queensland-based visual artist Zoe Porter.

Theatrical live painting, sound, and morphing bodies take us on a journey to somewhere new yet familiar. A reawakening of the senses and emerging from isolation. From very small detail to the expansive potential of finding space again, this multidisciplinary performance experience invites us to rediscover our environment and the new forms and shapes this may take.

Featured artists: Zoe Porter (Mural/Costume) Tegan Nash (Dance), Exploko (Sound), Molly James (Circus)

LAB encourages registered guests to bring a picnic rug and set up along Benalla’s iconic lakeside. Come together for a drink and a small bite, catered by collaborating partner Munro + Sargeant Café, from 5.30PM before the 6PM performance.

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