Someone's Daughter Promotional Image
Alyce Platt performs live

1st – 31st Mar 2023
Outdoor Projection Façade

Someone’s Daughter is written and performed by Alyce Platt, who created the music for the film Journey Beyond Fear. The Someone’s Daughter music video is written and directed by Robyn Hughan, and features footage from the film, which was also written and directed by Robyn Hughan, and produced by Hughan with Steve Warne.

Both emotive and heartfelt, Someone’s Daughter is performed with passion and intensity by Alyce and brings home the difficult journey many refugees face from a female perspective. The video and film follow a teenage girl and her refugee family on their challenging journey as they wait for, and eventually achieve, successful resettlement in Australia.

About Journey Beyond Fear

Filmed over seven years, Journey Beyond Fear is an emotional rollercoaster taking us from despair to joy through hope, humour and love. A character driven film, featuring three magnetic daughters, it focuses on the experience of those who join the queue to resettle in Australia, making it clear that this is no easy option. It shatters prevailing stereotypes and highlights that becoming part of Australian society without losing one’s cultural identity is achievable. Further to this, Journey Beyond Fear draws attention to the fact that only 1% of refugees registered with the UN are ever resettled. The film has been made with deep passion and commitment to the subject matter, the narrative is lyrical and the visuals are strong, speaking volumes about the family’s situation.

Journey Beyond Fear is an excellent documentary and a genuinely moving experience. This is a journey well worth taking – 4/5 Stars’ – David Stratton, The Australian

About Robyn Hughan

Experienced in many areas of film, as well as acting and teaching, Hughan in recent years has focused on independently producing and directing her own documentaries and video projects. These award winning films have screened and broadcast internationally. Her latest feature documentary, Journey Beyond Fear, was broadcast on PBS in the USA, screened at film festivals nationally and internationally, and received 4 out of 5 stars from renowned film critic, David Stratton. Filmed over seven years in Malaysia and Australia, it follows a family’s traumatic journey for resettlement.

About Alyce Platt

Alyce Platt is an actress and composer, known for Sons and Daughters (1982), The Elephant Princess (2008) and Carla Cametti PD (2009). More recently
her music career has come to the forefront, with the pending release of her third album and a body of work featuring live music shows, film and music video compositions, soundtracks and performances.

The nightly screening of Someone’s Daughter throughout March and all associated events are presented to coincide with International Women’s Day, Cultural Diversity Week and Harmony Week.

The activation of Benalla Art Gallery’s after-dark projection space has been supported by the RACV; the Victorian State Government through the North East Victoria Tourism Board; and the Victorian State Government’s $2.5M Building Works Package
RACV and State Government of Victoria