previous Printmaking Workshop by a Fitting Connection
Image: previous Printmaking Workshop by a Fitting Connection

Thursday 29 June 10.30AM—12.30PM

Got an old piece of clothing or pillowcase in need of a refresh?

Block printing is a tactile printing technique that allows you to quickly embellish and personalise garments; giving new life to old things and keeping clothes in use longer by covering stains. You can even upcycle old fabrics to make something new like gift wrap!
In this workshop, the upcycling artists from a Fitting Connection will share ways to turn everyday items into stamps, and show you how to use block printing to create a unique gift wrap.

Materials are supplied, but participants are welcome to bring along their own well-loved garments or pillowcases and print new life into them.

This workshop is presented by a Fitting Connection.

Ages: 8—15 years
Children under the age of 10 must have a carer present to assist

Cost: FREE

Registration essential: T 03 5760 2619 or

Where: Benalla Art Gallery, Patricia [Pat] Gardner Studio

Who is a Fitting Connection?

a Fitting Connection are based in Melbourne’s north-east. After 20 years in the fashion industry, they can see it has become one of the world’s greatest polluters.
a Fitting Connection help drive much-needed change in the industry through a sustainable fashion revolution! They assist communities to take small, local steps towards change, developing practical initiatives that help individuals, schools and businesses get involved in building sustainable textile solutions.
In recent years, they have launched the Refashioned label, Fundraising With Purpose program, upcycling workshops, Clothing Swap With Purpose and textile recycling partnerships