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Simpson Gallery

Broken River Potters are a community group of ceramic artists based in North East Victoria. They meet regularly to learn new skills and share creative ideas and processes. This exhibition showcases recent works by many talented members of the group. Membership is diverse and inclusive, ranging from complete beginners to those who regularly enter exhibitions.

A key feature of the group is its self-help ethos and supportive environment – the sharing of ideas and knowledge to help newcomers learn more about this ancient craft. As all members have their own unique style and employ a wide variety of techniques, there is never a shortage of inspiration, new ideas and creativity. Techniques include: hand-building with coils, slabs and pinching, slip casting and using the wheel.  Works created include functional wares, realistic or creative animals, architectural sculptures and exquisitely carved artworks.

“Seeing the way members decorate their pieces is always a highlight, especially the glazing. How textures and glazes interact and fall, sometimes unpredictably, is an endless source of delight. No one can describe the anticipation, before opening the kiln, nor seeing our finished pieces, with their beautiful glazes catching the light, for the first time”. Lorna Hobbs, 2018

Opening Reception: Sunday 28th October, 3 – 4:30pm

Public Programs:
Saturday 17th November – Pottery Workshop, 10 – 2pm
Saturday 24th November – Makers’ Market, 9 – 1pm

Image: Melissa Grimwade, Pots, 2018.

26th Oct 2018 – 2nd Dec 2018