Artworks by Lesley Duxbury.
Left: Remnant 2023 cyanotype, carbon paper, graphite 60 x 400cm
Right: Weathering 2022 Inkjet print 300 x 127cm
Monday 3 June, 10-11AM
Coinciding with their exhibition, Embrace the Eucalypt, join artists Ruth Johnstone and Lesley Duxbury in conversation with the Gallery curators.
The ubiquitous eucalypt has come to mean many things to us. It is honoured when it survives to a great age, yet its size and materiality has caused it to be felled for human needs, and of course it is renowned for fuelling raging bushfires.
Utilising paper based media and contemporary art, Ruth Johnstone and Lesley Duxbury address the cultural significance of the eucalypt. Both artists have studios amongst eucalypts.
Ruth Johnstone’s studio is in the north-east highlands at Whitlands. She explores the scars of bushfire and eucalypt survivors, commemorated by leafy garlands and circular motifs. A recent series of white works of mummified eucalypt stems in tracing paper further explore loss and consolation.
Lesley Duxbury’s studio is based in Gippsland. She documents and celebrates towering survivors of town development. Photographic documentation of specimens, species identification along with end-grain imprints, circumference and age are incorporated into her artworks.
Registration essential: T 03 5760 2619 or gallery@benalla.vic.gov.au
Cost: $2