Image: Between the Details Launch featuring a still from Deborah KELLY’s The Gods of Tiny Things 2019
Who: for pre-school children and their parents/carers
When: Friday 3 February 2023, 10AM
Where: Benalla Art Gallery – Patricia [Pat] Gardner Studio
Price: This is a FREE event
Bookings: To secure your place, contact the Gallery on 5760 2619 or gallery@benalla.vic.gov.au
We are so inspired by the brilliant moving images on display in the Bennett Gallery as part of the exhibition Between the Details: Video Art from the ACMI Collection.
In this special Little Artist session, we will tour this exciting exhibition, before settling in front of Deborah Kelly’s work The Gods of Tiny Things. Under the stars of her beautiful projected video, we will do some dancing, create shapes, and explore different types of movements.
For our hands-on art making activity for this month and responding to Deborah’s video work, Little Artists will design, decorate and colour in their own moving creature.
Benalla Art Gallery’s Little Artists program is developed specifically for pre-school children. We use games, story-telling and creative activities to encourage young children, and their parents and carers, to have fun while learning about art.