Who: for pre-school children and their parents/carers
Friday 1 September 2023, 10-10.45AM
Where: Benalla Art Gallery – Patricia [Pat] Gardner Studio
Price: This is a FREE event
Bookings: To secure your place, contact the Gallery on 5760 2619 or gallery@benalla.vic.gov.au

Inspired by Benalla’s lake and Botanical Gardens, the exhibition Always + Altered explores connections between nature and art. After having a look at the ways artists use nature and show it to us our Little Artists will go into the Studio to create their own artwork. Children will create tiles imprinted with different shapes of pasta. Farfalle, penne, fusilli or spaghetti become interesting tools to create pictures and texture on the smooth surface of the fresh clay.

After drying at home children can add paint or texta to add colour to their creations.

Materials: Air Dry clay, pasta shapes

Benalla Art Gallery’s Little Artists program is developed specifically for pre-school children. We use games, story-telling and creative activities to encourage young children, and their parents and carers, to have fun while learning about art.