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Friday 4 October, 10—10.45AM

Celebrate the colours of spring in this fun Little Artists session creating pasta garden sculptures.

Strange and wonderful is encouraged as children explore their imaginations making unique shapes and thinking about organisms, plant life and sunshine!

This is a fun and easy activity to encourage fine motor skills, learning colours and identifying shapes.

Materials: pipe cleaners, pasta, beads, ribbons, markers

Definitions and Learnings: This activity encourages the development of fine motor skills through building and assemblage, children will learn about colour, sculpture and working in 3D.

Ages: For pre-school aged children and their parents/carers

Cost: FREE

Registration essential: T 03 5760 2619 or

Where: Benalla Art Gallery, Patricia [Pat] Gardner Studio

Benalla Art Gallery’s Little Artists program is developed specifically for pre-school children. We use games, story-telling and creative activities to encourage young children, and their parents and carers, to have fun while learning about art.

Sessions are free and are scheduled for the first week of each month from February to December.