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Bennett Gallery

There are more images circulating in the world then ever before. Despite this, never has photography occupied such an anxious understanding of itself. Freed – through technological advances – of the requirement to represent the real, globally photography is questioning its expressive value and beginning to redefine itself.

This exhibition contributes an Australian voice to this international conversation. Concentrated through strategies of dispersal and aggregation, Looking But Not Seeing brings together a group of artists whose work engages with questions of what photography is now and where it is going.

Jacqui Ball, Nina Gilbert, Eliza Hutchison, Will Nolan, Nik Pantazopoulos, Kiron Robinson, Vivian Cooper Smith, Darren Sylvester, Marian Tubbs, Xanthe Waite and Grace Wood.

Curated by Kiron Robinson.

This exhibition has received assistance from NETS Victoria’s Exhibition Development Fund, supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.

Exhibition Opening Sunday 2 September, 3-5pm

Image: Darren Sylvester, Ghost Story, 2017, light jet print. Courtesy the artist, Neon Parc, Melbourne and Sullivan+Strumpf, Sydney

10th Aug 2018 – 4th Nov 2018