Individuals and families with a passion for Benalla Art Gallery and its importance within the Northeast Victorian community can make a significant contribution. Major Gifts support Benalla Art Gallery Foundation in its purpose to secure the financial resources required for the Gallery, enabling it to improve the ageing building and facilities for future generations and to acquire suitable staff levels to sustain quality program delivery to improve our community wellbeing, Collection, and economy.
Gifts of $50,000 or more are considered Major Gifts. These generous donations can be applied across one or more of our funding priorities: short term project funding for Benalla Art Gallery; funds for future redevelopment of Benalla Art Gallery to ensure this iconic 1975 building is fit-for-purpose and financially sustainable, our long-term goal to grow the Foundation Corpus, or building the capacity of the Foundation which will enable us to deliver on our goals.
We are happy to discuss your preference.
If you are thinking about making this level of investment, we would be pleased to hear about your ideas. Please contact us to discuss how your gift can have the greatest impact at or call our Philanthropy Manager on 0404 846 202.

‘Scotty So +50’, Benalla Art Gallery, 2024, presented for the PHOTO 2024 International Festival of Photography. All works within the exhibition were donated to the Benalla Art Gallery Collection by the artist, 2024