Image: Such is Now, performance by Jacqui Stockdale, Gertrude St, Fitzroy, Rose Chong Costumiers, 2021. Part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival. Photograph by Anthong Rodriquez.
Such is Now, performance by Jacqui Stockdale, Gertrude St, Fitzroy, Rose Chong Costumiers, 2021
Part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival
Photograph by Anthong Rodriquez

When: Saturday 5 November 2022, 6.30PM
Where: The Village Arts Precinct (adjacent the Benalla Ceramic Mural)
Price: This is a FREE event

The Last Hoorah is a satirical take on the Kelly Gang. The work combines traditional street theatre, Japanese Butoh, costuming, movement, and a live ensemble of young voices.

A lively bunch of cross-dressing teenage larrikins dance until they drop, akin to a game of Musical Chairs, where competition creates mayhem and excitement and the winner takes all. The performance will feature Jacqui Stockdale, Emma Bathgate, Yumi Umiumare, Chelle Destefano, and members of the Benalla community. The performance will be Auslan interpreted and includes Chelle Destefano’s Embedded poetic Auslan.

The Last Hoorah is presented as part of the Benalla Festival—celebrating Our Community, Our Future. The Last Hoorah performance has been supported by The Village Festival, with accessibility advice through Vitae Veritas. We acknowledge the support of Inland Rail for this project.

The Last Hoorah supporters and presenters