Through the Keyhole
Image: Valerie CROSSE
Through the Keyhole, 2024
collage on paper
30 x 25 cm

Gallery Shop 1—30 June 2024

Valerie Crosse presents a collection of small artworks of birds and other creatures in the Gallery Shop throughout June. Utilising ‘The Bower’ as design motif and incorporating the colours that are intrinsic to the Satin Bowerbird’s bower, Valerie has assembled a body of work using a collection of blue-coloured objets trouvées as a starting point for artworks.

Valerie Crosse is an established visual artist based in North East Victoria. Her creative practice includes painting in oils, gouache, and acrylic combined with collage. Valerie studied Art at Reigate School of Art and Design in the UK, majoring in Textile Design and Fine Arts, and then completed a Post Graduate Certificate of Education at Liverpool Polytechnic. She has maintained her arts practice alongside pursuing a long career as an arts educator, exhibiting in group exhibitions and solo shows. In 2024 she has committed to her visual arts practice full-time.

All works in the Gallery Shop are available for purchase from Benalla Art Gallery, or by contacting the Gallery on: T 03 5760 2619 or