Smartphone Stories

Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 March, 10AM-4.30PM

Tutor: Daniel Schultheis, Cinespace

In this fun, interactive project Daniel shows participants different ways to tell stories using a smartphone. Whether a comedy, drama or documentary, participants can learn the skills to produce, write, direct and edit a film made entirely on a mobile phone.

Mentoring support will be available, and participants will have the opportunity to showcase their film at local events and online.
Participants will make their first film about themselves on a smartphone during the two-day introductory workshop, and then get ongoing support over three months to make their next short film or piece of screen content, exploring anything that they like.

Daniel Schultheis has worked in community filmmaking and education for more than 18 years and is the founding committee member of Melbourne-based cultural diversity screen organisation Cinespace.

Ages: 13+
A number of places will be reserved for youth, culturally & linguistically diverse and Indigenous & Torres Strait Islander participants.

Registration essential: T 03 5760 2619 or

Places are limited

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