Papier-mache ornament - sourced image

Who: for pre-school children and their parents/carers
Friday 2 December 2022, 10AM
Where: Benalla Art Gallery – Patricia [Pat] Gardner Studio
Price: This is a FREE event
Bookings: To secure your place, contact the Gallery on 5760 2619 or

Little Artists will make unique papier-mache ornaments from recycled materials in this session. Once dry, these can be painted at home and given as gifts or hung as decorations. This fun activity encourages careful construction and detail and is an excellent opportunity to get a little messy!
Recycled newspaper, glue, masking tape, toilet rolls, cardboard
Mat Time:
Together we will imagine the different things we can make using papier-mache by reading a fun book, Alpha Block by Christoper Franceschelli. We will think about how these animals, objects and things could inspire us to create our unique ornaments. A cookie, a dog, a bird or a spider – there is an entire alphabet of ideas!

Benalla Art Gallery’s Little Artists program is developed specifically for pre-school children. We use games, story-telling and creative activities to encourage young children, and their parents and carers, to have fun while learning about art.